Public comments received on a draft updated Hazard Mitigation Plan for the town of Sandown, N.H. are now expected to undergo review by the town’s board of selectmen when it meets at 7 p.m., Monday, at Sandown Town Hall.
A public comment period ended Wednesday for the “Sandown Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2014,” compiled to assist the town in reducing and mitigating future losses to critical town facilities from natural and/or man-made hazard events. Potential hazards addressed range from flooding and severe weather to wildfires or earthquakes. It was developed by the town along with the Rockingham Planning Commission, as part of a contract with N.H. Homeland Security and Emergency Management. It contains the tools necessary to identify specific hazards and aspects of existing and future mitigation efforts.
The draft plan may be seen here.
Also on the meeting agenda, Sandown selectmen will review proposed warrant articles for the 2015 annual town meeting. The first, or deliberative, session of town meeting for residents is normally scheduled in February, followed by a voting session held in March.