A cyanobacteria warning has been lifted at Showell Pond, Sandown.
The State of New Hampshire’s Department of Environmental Services said cyanobacteria cell concentration in Showell Pond is below a level of public health concern. The New Hampshire DES issued the cyanobacteria lake warning on August 12.
Officials said samples collected and examined Sept. 25 had cyanobacteria concentrations considered safe for contact. However, once a bloom has been seen in a lake, that lake is more likely to have future blooms. Sandown residents are advised to continue to monitor their individual shoreline for changing conditions and avoid any large amounts of growth in the water.
DES routinely monitors public beaches and public waters of the state for cyanobacteria, a natural component of water bodies worldwide, but surface scums may form when excess phosphorus is available to the water. Some cyanobacteria produce toxins that are stored within the cells but released upon cell death. Toxins can cause both acute problems (skin irritation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) and chronic problems (liver and central nervous system damage).
If you notice anything resembling cyanobacteria, the state suggests refraining from wading, swimming or drinking the water. Keep all pets out of the water and contact DES at (603) 419-9229