A group of Market Basket customers are sending their own message in print to the ongoing worker protests and shopper boycott over the firing of President and CEO Arthur T. Demoulas.
According to a Facebook post, a group with the Twitter account “You can’t fire customers we quit” plans to run a full-page newspaper advertisement over the weekend in response to one by the supermarket chain seeking replacement workers including store-level and corporate management. The group has been raising funds to place the ad in the Lowell Sun newspaper. It is addressed to the current CEOs of Demoulas Market Basket, its board of directors and shareholders.
Their message is, “It is your customers who are your bottom line; It is your customers who will not shop at Market Basket until Artie T. is back as CEO”. The supermarket chain said it is holding a three-day job fair at their IT computer center in Andover beginning Monday for current employees seeking promotion within and also applicants from outside the company.