Fire Truck Cost Increases by $88,000

Some budget matters including a new fire truck purchase face the Haverhill City Council during its Tuesday night meeting.

Councilors are expected to vote on the mayor’s proposal to revise a previous bond order upward by $88,000 to purchase a new fire pumper truck for nearly $509,000. Last December the council passed a $420,000 bond order based on an estimate from the James J. Fiorentini administration. The cost increase is a result of meeting specifications for the new truck.

Also the council is being asked to make $795,000 in fund transfers to close the books on fiscal year 2014. The largest of these is moving $600,000 in budget reserves to pay for last winter’s snow and ice removal. The Haverhill City Council meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday in council chambers at Haverhill City Hall.